Information Tab of the Report Properties Dialog Box

Use the Information tab of the Report Properties dialog box to help you determine which report to select.

When you use the Report wizard to change report selections, and save the report with a new name, you can enter your own report information with the following details:

  • The saved reports that you selected
  • The information that will be displayed on the report
  • When you will use the report, such as when you analyze the viability of a forecast
  • How to interpret the information on the report

Use this tab to view or modify the information entered on the report. You can view this information on the Report and Save and Run pages of the Report wizard when a report is saved. Edit the information by adding or deleting text.

You can enter up to 400 characters. The following options are available on the shortcut menu:

  • Undo
  • Cut
  • Copy
  • Paste
  • Delete
  • Select All

Click OK or Apply to save the changes you made.